Catch Up on News From The James and Janie Washington Cultural Center

Thoughts from Rev. Dr. LaVerne C. Hall, Executive Director
Meghan Elizabeth Trainor Meghan Elizabeth Trainor

Thoughts from Rev. Dr. LaVerne C. Hall, Executive Director

This month, the Washington Foundation recognizes and expressly thanks James and Janie Washington for their hindsight, insight, and foresight in establishing in 1997, the Dr. James W. Washington Jr & Mrs. Janie Rogella Washington Foundation. The express purpose of their creativity and thoughtfulness is extracted in part from their Last Will and Testament and delineated here:

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2018 Washington Young Laureates
Meghan Elizabeth Trainor Meghan Elizabeth Trainor

2018 Washington Young Laureates


. . . Art is the holy land wherein initiates seek to reveal the spirituality of matter. As such, art can be counted as one of the supreme sources of the triumph of the spirit . . .”

James W. Washington, Jr., Passing the Torch of Enlightenment (unpublished manuscript)

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